What your bunny will need:

Unlimited Timothy hay (daily) and a hay rack if you don’t want to put the Timothy hay in the litter box you can put a hay rack over the litter box so they’ll still graze and poop in the same area but you won’t have to toss the timothy hay out with the litter each time you clean it.

Fresh clean water from a bowl (daily)

Pellets (¼ of a cup a day for a 5lb rabbit) for the little bunnies just coming home I wouldn’t limit their pellets for the first couple of weeks. *They’re used to eating Blue Seal #16 pellet found at Agway stores (to locate a store near you visit: www.agway.com) . It’s a good quality pellet for a great price. If you should choose another pellet please introduce it slowly to your new bunny by mixing a small amount into the Blue Seal and then increasing the new brand each day until the old brand is eliminated. Your bunny should remain on it’s normal diet for at least 2 weeks before beginning the process of switching brands.

Litter box and bunny safe litter (I use grass hay bought by the bale or wood pellet for litter and pile Timothy hay on top for them to eat) And, yes, they like to poop and eat in the same spot which is why they litter box train easily. They actually produce cecum matter that looks like fecal matter (comes from the same source) that they eat because it has vitamins that keep them healthy…I know, yuck.

White vinegar and a spray bottle to put it in (for cleaning out the litter box daily)

A cage of your choice or if you’re like me they won’t need a cage once litter trained. Until then, I can make a cage for you that does not have a tray underneath. If you’d prefer a cage with a pull out tray I would highly recommend the Marchioro (Luna) cage (they thought of everything and if money’s not a huge issue I would definitely choose that one)

*Save those paper towel and toilet paper rolls because they love to chew them up especially when they get nervous or board. When they turn 6 months old and they can start to have bunny safe vegetables you can wrap hay around the veggie and stuff it in the roll….cheap toy and they love it.